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Dear Friend,
Let me ask one simple question:Do you want to change your life?Because if you do, I have an AMAZING story to tell you.It's the story of a man who received an unexpected and incredible gift. A gift that forever changed his life, and has since changed countless other lives as well.And now, this gift has arrived in YOUR life!And by the end of this letter, you'll know whether you want to accept it ... and what you're going to do with it.I'll tell you what it is in a minute...But first, I want to take you more than 10 years back, to the fateful day when something … UNUSUAL ... began happening to one ordinary man.It started out as sensations.STRANGE FEELINGS...Some physical and some emotional, that this man would experience during meditation...Or even during normal moments of his day.At first, he didn't know what these sensations were or where they were coming from. But he instinctively understood that they were good. And he remained open to more...Months went by, and the strange experiences intensified. He would notice a kind of buzzing, humming sensation in his body. Or his head would begin moving, of its own accord, while he meditated.And then, one day, something broke through…A message, clear and unmistakable, presented itself to his awareness. A message from a source that seemed to be both a part of him and outside of him.This source identified itself to this man as a universal "God" spirit. It explained that it was a non-physical collective consciousness, multidimensional and multifaceted. And it told him it was his spiritual guide. From then on, this "Divine spirit" began communicating with him through telepathic thought. And when asked, it would respond to any question.So this man began to ask...Question after question...About the purpose of life, the secrets to happiness, why bad things happen, and on and on.As the answers flowed out, an extraordinary body of teachings began to take shape. And at the heart of them was a startling yet simple proposition:You are divinely designed to be, do, and have everything you desire.All the things you want are already available to you, waiting to come to you. To receive them, you only have to tune into a specific frequency.That's why well-being, abundance, and fulfillment are your natural state. You're supposed to have everything you want. If you don't, it is only because you are tuned into the wrong frequency. Change the frequency, and you'll start getting what you want. It's as simple as that.As "God" revealed the how part of that equation...And this man began to experience its miraculous effectiveness...He understood that he was chosen to receive these messages for a special purpose. The purpose of helping humanity.But who was this man who got this remarkable message from the Universe?You see, that man was…Me — Alex.Yes!(I told you this was an amazing story)And you know what?Ever since I have dedicated my life to revealing these transformational frequencies. And sharing the wisdom of this “God” spirit with everyone interested in receiving them.So NOW...I’m bringing these life-changing frequencies of “God” directly to YOU. With the help of my amazing energetically programmed items.These are the proven manifestation items that will enable you to BE, DO, and HAVE everything you want in life... much easier than you ever imagined possible.But before I show you these miraculous "God" frequencies, let me explain how they work...You see, we all know from Einstein's equation E=mc2 that all matter is energy.So it proves that everything in our world that "looks" solid is actually made up of swirling molecules. These molecules vibrate at various frequencies. And they shape everything into its existing forms. This is the reason why our own bodies are mere vibrating molecules of energy.But here's where it gets interesting...You actually CAN control the frequency at which your body vibrates.Yes!Scientists have measured the body's vibrational frequency in various physical and emotional states. And the results have been eye-opening…For example, Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. conducted a special 29-year study into this. And he showed that the human body can become stronger or weaker depending on a person's mental state. He even created a scale from 1-1000 that mapped human consciousness. Basically, any state that causes a person to vibrate at a frequency below 200 (or 20,000 cycles per second) weakens the body... and frequency from 200 to 1000 makes the body stronger. The lowest vibration rate is shame. When you have a shameful thought, you weaken yourself. The next is guilt... and then apathy... grief... fear and anxiety... craving... anger... and hate. All these will weaken you.But at 250 on the scale, you have neutrality (trust), which strengthens you. Then going up on the scale there's willingness... optimism... acceptance... forgiveness... reason and understanding... love and reverence... joy and serenity... peace and bliss at 600... and enlightenment and "DIVINE ENERGY” at 700-1000.The highest measure during his study was Mother Teresa at 700. And 1000 is "GOD"-CONSCIOUSNESS or SPIRIT. (This is the frequency of absolute manifestation power.)But it gets even better...Because when the highest and fastest frequencies of spirit are brought to the presence of lower and slower frequencies... they nullify and dissipate those things we call "problems".Yes!You see, they said of Jesus that his MERE presence in the village would raise the consciousness of everyone around him.And when Mother Teresa walked into a room, everyone was suddenly filled with a feeling of bliss. And thoughts of hatred were almost impossible in her presence.But there is more...If you travel to the north of France, you can see the body of Saint Bernadette exactly as it was the day she died in 1878. She was vibrating at such a high frequency her body never decomposed.They did a biopsy on her liver, and it was vital as if she were still alive.Even today, over 5 million people travel to her hometown of Lourdes each summer from all over the world. And they all do so just to get close to the peace and the healing energy that surrounded her.I'm telling you right now:YOU have the capacity within you to radiate the same energy as these saints!YOU have the ability and the power to increase your vibration rate...YOU can have access to the highest and fastest energies to eradicate any problems in your life...YOU CAN manifest a perfect life for yourself.All you need is to tap into the presence of higher, faster spiritual frequencies... and you'll be able to witness miracles in YOUR life.And here is GOOD NEWS:You can actually plug into this Divine "God" energy starting TODAY, thanks to my miracle frequencies.And by the way...These are the same powerful frequencies that the higher universal spirit had revealed to me all those years ago. And they are the same frequencies that combine ancient wisdom with cutting-edge science to manifest amazing results FOR you!Yes!Imagine yourself having a cord that extends from your hip, with two sockets in front of you.If you plug into the low-vibrational frequencies, you will get only what that low vibration has to offer:You're going to get problems, fears, worries, illnesses, accidents, and victimization. These are the same things that happen when you plug into the lower frequencies.But if you plug it into “God’s” miracle frequencies... their energy will create for you: joy, peace, harmony, love, fulfillment, abundance, and more. All your problems will "just" disappear.Remember:Everything in this Universe is ENERGY...And energy doesn't come in good and bad...It comes in high and low, fast and slow.So, the energy you live and breathe with -- and which surrounds you at all times -- is in YOUR control. That's why you can tune into the special frequencies, at any moment, to get to these higher, faster energies.And these miracle frequencies are available to you today...




Use the coupon code "lucky" to save 20% today... and Activate Your FULL POWER TO RECEIVE with a powerful "God" wealth mandala.

What is an energetically programmed digital mandala?An energetic digital mandala is a digital picture that has been energetically encoded to improve your life.How to use this mandala?Simply open this mandala on your electronic device. This can be a computer, laptop, phone, or tablet. As soon as the program is opened, it will automatically and continuously broadcast vibrational energy frequency. You can use this mandala during the day as you go about your daily activities. The mandala works on various devices, including computers, laptops, phones, and tablets. Additionally, you can print the energetically encoded mandala file on any modern home printer.

Use the coupon code "lucky" to save 20% today.

And when you do...
You will discover how to manifest with such ease...That you will finally be able to say GOODBYE to your problems, worries, and challenges for good.I make that claim with confidence. Because when you bring love, spirit, and higher energies to the presence of lower energies... your problems will disappear. And not only that, but you will also be able to manifest your perfect life... and abundance in all areas of your life. And from that abundance, will spring divine love and total peace and fulfillment!LISTEN…An apple is going to fall from its branch whether you understand how gravity works or not.In the same way, these “God’s” miracle frequencies (and the energetically programmed items containing them) don't depend on anyone's believing... or even fully understanding them. They just are.So whatever you're thinking ... whatever you're feeling ... whatever stage of the spiritual journey you're at right now ... I encourage you to give them a try, even if you've tried and failed to manifest before. Because these special frequencies work ... and they will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!They are that POWERFUL. They are that MIRACULOUS. And yes, they are the same frequencies revealed to me through the universal “God” spirit.So... if there's any part of your life you want to improve ... anywhere you're experiencing lack ... anything you truly want and just can't seem to get ... you WILL find the key to changing it with these “God” frequencies.Yes!Simply get your own miracle frequency (and your powerful energetically programmed item containing it) NOW. And rediscover what you were born knowing:That you have the power to be, do, and have ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you want…All you have to do is tune into the RIGHT energy frequency.




Use the coupon code "lucky" to save 20% today... and Activate Your FULL POWER TO RECEIVE with a powerful "God" wealth mandala.

Alex von Silence